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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Pupil Advocates

At Abbotsweld we strive for the best by involving the whole community, including pupils, in our continuous school improvement.

Pupil Advocates are a group of individuals in year 6 who work closely with SLT to promote, monitor, evaluate and improve all aspects of our school. They are chosen through a rigorous application process. They write a letter of application based on a job description and then are invited to interview with the Head of School and Deputy Head. If successful they take up the post for the whole of year 6. They are identifiable by the blazers that they wear as additional uniform. Two exceptionable candidates are named as Head Pupils, they lead the Pupil Advocate Team.

This year's Pupil Advocates are:









Welcome to the new Abbotsweld Website.

Our new website has a vibrant design along with intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation, following the family look of the NET Academies Trust. It is also fully responsive to mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and devices.

We have improved the structure of our content so you can find the information you require with ease. There’s a whole host of smaller but impactful changes to make your experience of the site much better.

This website is organic and we will continue to develop it further to suit everyone's needs. It will always be an evolving work in progress. We look forward to watching it grow and hope that you find it useful and enjoy browsing it.